CIB W040: International surveys considering moisture safety in buildings during design and construction

N. Morishita-Steffen*, A. Laukkarinen, T. Lewis, S. Wolny, R. Peuhkuri, J. Vinha, T. Bednar


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We conducted comparative surveys of design consultants in three countries to determine current knowledge and experienced moisture problems. The study is part of the CIB W040 research roadmap needs analyses for realigning research efforts with stakeholder requirements for moisture safety. Survey results show that a third of construction projects in the last five years were affected by moisture problems, even though practitioners applied multiple preventative measures at least some of the time. Water installations caused approximately 20 % of the moisture damage. In each country, preventing moisture damage was necessary; the means to address problems varied, with no one dominating solution. Design and construction guidelines were more helpful than the building code requirements. Information is available, but designers need dedicated time and budget for implementing better moisture safety. A quantitative goal is to increase the frequency of moisture safety measures while increasing the availability of tools. The usefulness of selected measures and instruments is strongly case-specific. Subtopic analysis such as causes of moisture damage due to leaky water installations needs more detailed investigation. Further research is needed building upon the online survey results to develop intelligent tools preventing moisture damage in the design, construction, and building occupancy phases.

BogserieJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Udgave nummer1
StatusUdgivet - 2 dec. 2021
Begivenhed8th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2021 - Copenhagen, Virtual, Danmark
Varighed: 25 aug. 202127 aug. 2021


Konference8th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2021
ByCopenhagen, Virtual

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.


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