Control of forced vibrations of mechanical structures by an electromagnetic controller with a permanent magnet

George Juraj Stein, Radoslav Darula, Sergey Sorokin

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review

3 Citationer (Scopus)


A theoretical analysis of an electromagnetic vibration controller is presented. The analyzed device consists of a pot-type iron core with a coil and a permanent magnet as a source of constant magnetic flux. The magnetic circuit is closed by a yoke, excited by an external harmonic mechanical force. The so generated magnetic flux variation induces alternating voltage in the electric circuit, which is dissipated in a shunt resistor. The induced current driven through the coil generates magnetic force, which damps the excitation force and changes the damped natural frequency of the oscillatory system. Due to the hysteretic effects in the magnetic material the internal losses influence the overall system’s performance. A mathematical model of the force balance in the oscillatory system is derived in a simplified, linearised form. The electric as well as mechanical system is modelled using lumped-parameter approach and the actuating principle for control of forced vibration is investigated.
TitelProceedings of International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering ISMA2012
ISBN (Trykt)978-90-738-0289-6
StatusUdgivet - 2012
BegivenhedThe International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering: ISMA 2012 - the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgien
Varighed: 17 sep. 201219 sep. 2012
Konferencens nummer: 25


KonferenceThe International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering
Lokationthe Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Bibliografisk note

