CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework

Anne Kathrine Frandsen, Niels Haldor Bertelsen, Kim Haugbølle, Janne Porkka, Pekka Huovila, Paivi Hietanen, Bengt Hansson, Kristian Widén, Ole Jørgen Karud

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


During the past two years the Nordic Baltic research project CREDIT (Construction and Real Estate – Developing Indicators for Transparency) has worked with the aim to improve transparency of value creation in building and real estate. One of the central deliverables of the CREDIT project was a framework of indicators relevant in building and real estate and applicable in the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as a proposal for a set of key indicators.
The study resulting in CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework has been based on 28 case studies of evaluation practises in the building and real estate sector each addressing three interlinked levels: building/ projects level, company or enterprise level and benchmarking system level. Additionally it has been based on dialogue with researchers and professional organisation, international research and standardisation work and national building regulations in the countries participating in CREDIT.
The Performance Indicator Framework encompassed 187 indicators grouped in 7 main groups of indicators and 42 sub-groups.
Based on the CREDIT case studies it was concluded that there neither is link between certain indicators and specific building types, nor a set of indicators relevant for all building projects. Only a few indicators was applied in all evaluations studied, all of a basic character. Rather the case studies showed that the indicators applied in an evaluation reflect the needs of the recipients/users of the evaluation or benchmarking and their purpose with the evaluation. A set of ten key-indicators reflecting the needs of a building administrator and facility manager is proposed.
TitelSB10 Finland : Sustainable Community - buildingSMART : Conference Proceedings
ForlagRIL - Finnish Association of Civil Engineers
Publikationsdatosep. 2010
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-951-758-506-4
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2010
BegivenhedSB10 Finland (Sustainable Building Conference Series): Sustainable Community - buildingSMART - Espoo, Finland
Varighed: 30 mar. 200924 sep. 2010


KonferenceSB10 Finland (Sustainable Building Conference Series): Sustainable Community - buildingSMART
AndetMember of Scientific Committee
NavnSustainable Building Conference Series
  • CREDIT: Construction and Real Estate - Developing Indicators for Transparency

    Haugbølle, K. (Projektleder), Bertelsen, N. H. (Projektkoordinator), Frandsen, A. K. (Projektdeltager), Olsen, I. S. (Projektdeltager), Huovila, P. (Projektdeltager), Hietanen, P. (Projektdeltager), Karud, O. J. (Projektdeltager), Widén, K. (Projektdeltager), Hansson, B. (Projektdeltager), Marteinsson, B. (Projektdeltager), Kauklaskas, A. (Projektdeltager) & Liias, R. (Projektdeltager)



    Projekter: ProjektForskning
