Crisis in the habitat of the economic growth monster

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This article is inspired by empirical philosophy and provides an analysis of economic growth as a monster that circulates within collectives. Using this approach, I illustrate how economic growth has participated in shaping institutions and language, thus having necessitated its own circulation to such an extent that it has become the most prioritised economic policy objective, whereas urgent issues regarding living conditions on Earth are either ignored or treated as secondary priorities. Further, I argue that noble attempts to contest economic growth contribute to the circulation of the monster by articulating new translations. Therefore, to transcend the reign of the monster, I invoke an empirical philosophical plea for ecologisation in the form of a language that allows for a multiplicity of voices and values in decision-making.
TidsskriftOn the Horizon
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)308-317
StatusUdgivet - 30 sep. 2014


  • Economic growth
  • Monster
  • Circulation
  • Translation
  • Ecologisation
