Current Harmonic Analysis of Multisampled LCLType Grid-connected Inverter

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4 Citationer (Scopus)


Multisampling control provides an attractive way to reduce the control delays in LCL-type grid-connected inverters, and thereby the bandwidth and stability margin will be improved. However, high frequency switching harmonics is introduced in the control loop when the inverter current is selected as a feedback. In order to investigate the effect of high frequency switching harmonics, the internal relationship between double-update pulse width modulation (PWM) and four-update PWM is deduced through the geometric analysis. Compared with the double-update PWM, a sampling instant is shifted a quarter of the switching period during each switching period. Hence the non-average value is sampled and low-order aliased harmonics will appear in the grid current. Finally, the theoretical analysis is verified through the simulation and experimental results.

TitelECCE 2020 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
Antal sider7
ForlagIEEE Signal Processing Society
Publikationsdato11 okt. 2020
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781728158266
StatusUdgivet - 11 okt. 2020
Begivenhed12th Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2020 - Virtual, Detroit, USA
Varighed: 11 okt. 202015 okt. 2020


Konference12th Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2020
ByVirtual, Detroit
SponsorIEEE Industrial Application Society (IAS), IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS)
NavnIEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition


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