Dominans med dobbelte implikationer - omhandlende mænd i omsorgsfag

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Domination with double implications – on men in social and healthcare positions
This article deals with the implications of gender in terms of practices, work divisions and positions, by a short-term female-related education with internship at nursing homes. The article shows that the social and healthcare assistant education, with double implications, contributes to an order that naturally but unnoticed favors men, while women simultaneously dominates in the female space and do not consider men to be able to perform the same task she has always performed. The empirical material consists of 15 interviews with social and health care students (men and women) and observation studies at three nursing homes, while the theoretical basis for the analysis relates to Bourdieu's contribution regarding "The Masculine Domination” (Bourdieu 1999)
Keywords: Bourdieu, gender, care, education, drop-out
TidsskriftPraktiske Grunde: Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab
Udgave nummer3-4
Sider (fra-til)55-68
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 22 nov. 2017
