Dybder og Overflader i styring, viden og praksis i det sociale og psykiatriske arbejde med sindslidende: En undersøgelse af det sociale og psykiatriske arbejdes ontologiske modeller og historiske og aktuelle vilkår for begrebsdannelse og praksis

Publikation: Ph.d.-afhandling

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The thesis ”Depths and surfaces in management, knowledge and practice in social and psychiatric work” examines whether specific technological processes bring about specific tools of observation and particular methods and instruments for outlining, categorizing and diagnosing social and psychiatric problems in a network of concepts, technologies, institutions and practices - as well as the specific problem solving strategies established to intervene, alter and improve that which is considered problematic about the individual. The thesis challenge traditional paradigmatic boundaries of knowledge and interests, and the possibility to transcend the theoretical scope of different perspectives are discussed in order to establish a methodological starting point for incorporating previously unrecognized connections and structures in the research process with the purpose of developing new concepts and theory
StatusUdgivet - 2013


  • psykiatri, socialt arbejde, diagnoser, styringsteknologi, realisme, diskurs
