Dynamic and Coordinated Control of a DC Microgrid Integrated with High-Temperature PEM Fuel Cell and High-Percentage of Renewable Energy

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The increasing demand for decarbonization has accelerated the adoption of renewable energy and the reduction of the reliance on conventional grid. This paper explores the modeling, controlling, and management of a DC microgrid, which predominantly relies on renewable energy and e-fuels for its normal operations. The studied DC microgrid integrates photovoltaic (PV), methanol-reformed high-temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (HT-PEMFC), and batteries. The primary focus of this study is to coordinate the diverse energy resources, ensuring dynamic responsiveness to load demands while maintaining high operational efficiency. To achieve this, system models are developed and a decentralized control framework is established for each energy sector converter. This framework, noted for its simplicity, ensures optimal integration, efficient operation, and smooth transitions between operational modes, enabling the microgrid to operate autonomously and with human oversight. Through simulation studies, we demonstrate the effectiveness and coordinated operation of the proposed system. The simplicity of the controlling and management system showcases the potential for easy integration with advanced and high-level energy management system, and thereby has the practicality across wide ranges of microgrid applications.

Titel2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia)
Antal sider6
ISBN (Elektronisk)9798350351330
StatusUdgivet - 2024


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