Effect of slope height and horizontal forces on the bearing capacity of strip footings near slopes in cohesionless soil

Sven Krabbenhøft, Lars Damkilde, Kristian Krabbenhøft

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingFormidling


    The problem of determining the bearing capacity of a strip foundation located near a slope of infinite height has been dealt with by several authors. Very often in practical problems the slope is of limited height, and furthermore the resulting load may be inclined at an angle to the horizontal, and in such cases the bearing capacity of the footing cannot be found using the existing methods. The present work comprises finite element based upper- and lower-bound calculations, using the geotechnical software OptumG2 to investigate the effect of the slope height and horizontal forces on the total bearing capacity, both without and with using superposition as presupposed in the traditional bearing capacity equation. The results for friction angles 30, 35 and 40 degrees, slope inclinations 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4, for selfweight and surcharge are given as charts showing the slope inclination factors suitable for design.
    TitelInsights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation : proceedings of the sixth international conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-7 September 2016
    RedaktørerAlphose Zingoni
    Antal sider2
    ForlagCRC Press
    ISBN (Trykt)978-1-138-02927-9 (Hbk + CD-ROM)
    StatusUdgivet - 2016
    BegivenhedThe sixth international conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation - Cape Town, Sydafrika
    Varighed: 5 sep. 20167 sep. 2016
    Konferencens nummer: 6


    KonferenceThe sixth international conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation
    ByCape Town

    Bibliografisk note

    Printet book with shorth papers, ISBN 978-1-138-02927-9 (Hbk + CD-ROM)
    CD (eBook) with full papers, ISBN 978-1-315-64164-5 (eBook PDF). By mistake wrong ISBN on CD (eBook).


    • Foundations
    • Monopod
    • Polypod
    • Soil-structure interaction


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