Elements and Perspectives of Educational Accountability in China and Denmark

Palle Rasmussen, Yihuan Zou

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskning


    Different types of accountability systems may be found in education. For instance Anderson (2005) distinguishes between the following three main types, namely (1) detailed institutional regulation of educational activities and compliance to this; (2) acknowledgement of professional norms and adherence to these and (3) specification of expected results and evaluation of performance. For all three types a range of instruments to evaluate and to improve may be used. Accountability through performance has become more widespread in many contexts during recent years, but that does not mean that institutional regulation or even professional norms have disappeared. The three types coexist in different combinations. In this paper we will discuss the evolution and current status of educational accountability in two nations, China and Denmark. In size, history and culture these are two very different nations, but both are influenced by global trends in educational thought and policy, including the focus on accountability.
    TitelPapers from Summer Workshop on the Comparative History of School Accountability 2013
    Antal sider16
    ForlagUniversity of South Florida
    Publikationsdatojun. 2013
    StatusUdgivet - jun. 2013
    BegivenhedComparative history of educational accountability - Tampa, South Florida and Aalborg, Denmark, USA
    Varighed: 22 jun. 201323 jun. 2013


    WorkshopComparative history of educational accountability
    LokationTampa, South Florida and Aalborg, Denmark
