Environmental training for the food industry

B. P. Weidema*


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This chapter presents a view on the current international research in workplace learning. The chapter is introduced by quoting the requirements on employee participation and training in the European regulation on environmental management and audit systems, and outlining the value of employee participation and training in the development, implementation and operation of an environmental management system. The different training needs are analysed for the various departments in a food company, and the concept of the learning organisation is introduced. The chapter covers both the external training situation and workplace learning. The maintenance of a learning organisation is treated, focusing especially on the problems related to personnel turnover, and the crucial role of management. Finally, some current and future trends in workplace learning are outlined, especially regarding training evaluation.

TitelEnvironmental Assessment and Management in the Food Industry : Life Cycle Assessment and Related Approaches
Antal sider18
Publikationsdatosep. 2010
ISBN (Trykt)9781845695521
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2010


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