Evaluating a digital life story app in a nursing home context

Diana Schack Thoft, Anders Kalsgaard Møller, Ann Karenina Kløve Møller

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingForskningpeer review


Aims: To evaluate how digital life stories may support person-centred care seen from the perspective of
the healthcare professionals and the management team in a nursing home context.

Background: The identity of people living with dementia and a person-centred care can be supported
by using life story work. Digital life stories can also provide an opportunity to share the life story between
people living with dementia, the family members and the healthcare professionals. Thus, it combines
different types of multimedia as pictures, sounds, videos etc.

Methods: Eight members of the healthcare and management team at a nursing home in Denmark were
recruited. Participant observation with field notes, informal and formal qualitative interviews were used as
data collection Methods: A thematic qualitative analysis of the data was conducted.
Results: Themes revealed were(1) Person-centred care and life story work as interrelated approaches;
(2) Pros and cons related to the use of digital life stories; and how (3) Time and information and
communication technology (ICT) can restrict the life story work.

Conclusion: The person-centred care can be supported by the use of digital life stories. However,
challenges exist when using digital life stories as it is important to ensure that the healthcare professionals
have time and the competences needed together with support and encouragement by the management
team. It is important the life story work is embedded in the culture and everyday work of the nursing
home to succeed and involve the person living with dementia and family members if possible.
Titel35th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International : New horizons in dementia: building on hope
Publikationsdatojun. 2022
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2022
Begivenhed Global Conference
of Alzheimer’s Disease International: New horizons in dementia: building on hope
- England, London
Varighed: 9 jun. 202211 jun. 2022
Konferencens nummer: 35


Konference Global Conference
of Alzheimer’s Disease International
