Exploring Nordic Approaches to Advanced Instrumental Music Pedagogy: Insights from Ethnographic Fieldwork

Marianne Løkke Jakobsen, David G. Hebert

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review


This ethnographic research was conducted at two intensive Scandinavian music academies with the
aim of examining the extent to which there is a Nordic approach to advanced instrumental music
teaching. Data collected through observations, interviews, and discussions revealed academy
structures, instrumental techniques, and the use of metaphors in teaching. The study found a blend
of Nordic pedagogical traditions, instrument-specific approaches, and personal teaching methods.
The Scandinavian instructors tended to employ personalized coaching styles, emphasizing
independent thought and interpretation. A characteristic form of politeness and directness was
identified among the Nordic pedagogues that shares some features with renowned masterclass
teachers in other contexts. Further research is needed to fully grasp this Nordic approach,
potentially leading to typologies or explanatory models.The study underscores the need for
continued exploration and analysis of diverse instructional strategies and cultural influences in
music education.
StatusUdgivet - 2024
BegivenhedThe 36th World Conference for the International Society for Music Education ISME 2024: Advocacy for Sustainability in Music - Uniarts Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Varighed: 29 jul. 20242 aug. 2024


KonferenceThe 36th World Conference for the International Society for Music Education ISME 2024
LokationUniarts Helsinki


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