Forestil dig, at regeringen besluttede, at der skulle fødes færre jyder. Det virker langt ude-hvorfor kunne det lade sig gøre i Grønland?

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftBidrag til avis - Avisartikel


This month’s Sunday column in Berlingske addresses Denmark’s IUD campaign in Greenland during the 60’s and 70’s, a process involving forcing/coercing IUDs on young Greenlandic girls and women in order to limit the levels of childbirth. I note that this would never happen within Denmark, and ask why it was considered acceptable in Greenland? I remain flummoxed by the way Danish colonial oppression continues to be romanticized and swathed in denial…
TidsskriftBerlingske Tidende
StatusUdgivet - 29 maj 2022


  • politik
  • Colonialism
  • Racism
  • strukturel diskrimination
  • Køn
  • køn, etnicitet og hvidhed
