Fuel-efficiency of hydrogen and heat storage technologies for integration of fluctuating renewable energy sources

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review

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This paper presents the methodology and results of analysing the use of different energy storage technologies in the task of integration of fluctuating renewable energy sources (RES) into the electricity supply. The analysis is done on the complete electricity system including renewable energy sources as well as power plants and CHP (Combined heat and power production). Emphasis is put on the need for ancillary services. Devices to store electricity as well as devices to store heat can be used to help the integration of fluctuating sources. Electricity storage tech- nologies can be used to relocate electricity production directly from the sources, while heat storage devices can be used to relo- cate the electricity production from CHP plants and hereby im- prove the ability to integrate RES. The analyses are done by ad- vanced computer modelling and the results are given as diagrams showing the system ability to integrate RES inputs between 0 and 100 percent of the electricity demand.
Titel2005 IEEE St. Peterburg powertech : conference proceedings
Antal sider7
ForlagFaculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
ISBN (Trykt)9536313707
StatusUdgivet - 2005
Begivenhed2005 IEEE St. Peterburg powertech -
Varighed: 27 jun. 200530 jun. 2005


Konference2005 IEEE St. Peterburg powertech


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