Gerontechnology: Providing a helping hand when caring for cognitively impaired older adults-intermediate results from a controlled study on the satisfaction and acceptance of informal caregivers

A. Mitseva, C.B. Peterson, C. Karamberi, L.C. Oikonomou, A.V. Ballis, G.E. Dafoulas, C. Giannakakos

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31 Citationer (Scopus)
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The incidence of cognitive impairment in older age is increasing, as is the number of cognitively impaired older adults living in their own homes. Due to lack of resources for these adults and their desires to remain in their own homes and live as independently as possible, research shows that the current standard care provisions are inadequate. Promising opportunities exist in using technology services to foster healthy aging and to realize the unmet needs of these groups of citizens in a user-centered manner.
ISISEMD project has designed, implemented, verified and assessed an Assistive Technology platform of personalized home care (telecare) for the elderly with cognitive impairments and their caregivers by offering intelligent home support services. Regions from four European countries have carried out long-term pilot controlled study in real-life conditions. This paper presents the outcomes from intermediate evaluations pertaining to user satisfaction with the system, acceptance of the technology and the services and Quality of Life outcomes as a result of utilizing the services.
TidsskriftCurrent Gerontology and Geriatrics Research
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 2012


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    Peterson, C. B., Iversen, T. P. N., Mitseva, A., Marchetti, N., Anggorojati, B., Cetin, K., Prasad, N. R., Kyriazakos, S. & Dinesen, B.

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