Global Sales and Operations Planning: exploring transitional pathway from a fit perspective

Zishi Wu, Charles Møller

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


This paper adopted a longitudinal case study and thematic analysis to explore how a firm adapts global S&OP structure and process to evolving business environments. The study traces the evolution of S&OP through close collaboration with a leading industry entity that implemented a global S&OP at headquarter. This investigation identified four pivotal events that have significantly influenced the contextual environment of S&OP. Data for the study were collected through various methods, including semi-structured interviews, direct observations, analyses of meeting notes, and strategy reports. This research illuminates the dynamic attributes of S&OP from a fit perspective. These transitional pathways have been categorized as direct, indirect, conditional, and temporary. The study reveals that dynamics complexity, such as supply uncertainty, is one of key drivers of S&OP temporary and indirect transition. Changes in Organizational characteristics is more complex, which often require the use of proactive capability for direct transition.
TitelProcedia CIRP
StatusAccepteret/In press - 2024


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