This dissertation examines how newly arrived migrant pupils through
different reception approaches are handled in the Danish welfare state.
Contemporary debates about how to best receive non-Danish-speaking pupils
in the Danish folkeskole (public comprehensive school) direct attention
to how varying municipal reception approaches are developed and negotiated.
Through three articles, the dissertation explores how knowledge and
policy intertwine when reception is negotiated nationally and locally. In
the development of reception approaches in the Danish welfare state, local
policymaking, and historical willingness to experiment with approaches to
progress knowledge production, intertwines with the perceived expertise and
experience of civil servants and certain school staff. Because of this, negotiations
about reception continuously occur and change directed by overarching
discourses in the pedagogical field disregarding previous approaches
to favor inclusion of pupils in the mainstream classroom as an expression of
gaining access to the Danish welfare state.
different reception approaches are handled in the Danish welfare state.
Contemporary debates about how to best receive non-Danish-speaking pupils
in the Danish folkeskole (public comprehensive school) direct attention
to how varying municipal reception approaches are developed and negotiated.
Through three articles, the dissertation explores how knowledge and
policy intertwine when reception is negotiated nationally and locally. In
the development of reception approaches in the Danish welfare state, local
policymaking, and historical willingness to experiment with approaches to
progress knowledge production, intertwines with the perceived expertise and
experience of civil servants and certain school staff. Because of this, negotiations
about reception continuously occur and change directed by overarching
discourses in the pedagogical field disregarding previous approaches
to favor inclusion of pupils in the mainstream classroom as an expression of
gaining access to the Danish welfare state.
Bidragets oversatte titel | Håndtering af dilemmaer i modtagelsestilgange for nyankomne migrante elever i den danske velfærdsstat |
Originalsprog | Engelsk |
Vejledere |
Udgiver | |
Status | Udgivet - 2023 |
Bibliografisk note
Afhandling ikke publiceret.Emneord
- Modtagelse
- modtagelsesklasse
- modtageklasse
- direkte indskrivning
- velfærdsstat
- uddannelsespolitik
- uddannelseshistorie
- uddannelsessociologi
- videnssociologi
- uddannelsespolitologi
- frontlinjebureaukrati
- migrante elever
- nyankomne elever
- dansk som andetsprog