HomePort ZigBee Adapter: Internal Milestone Report

Thomas Pedersen, Jacob Haubach Smedegaard, Rene Hansen

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The ZigBee protocol is a large and complicated standard with multiple abstraction layers, and it is a substantial undertaking for new players in the field. The purpose of this project is to enable Zigbee networking for a non-ZigBee device, such as the ConLAN keypad. To accomplish this we utilise the existing tool, Homeport, to act as a middleware and bridge between ConLAN's existing network and the ZigBee network. This report primarily discusses three possible solutions for constructing this bridge and current status on the implementation of a Develco SmartAMM and Zigbee stack for HomePort.
ForlagInstitut for Datalogi, Aalborg Universitet
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 18 aug. 2014
NavnR : Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University


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