How to Meet the Challenges of Recent Changes in Danish Vet? Professional learning communities as an approach to supporting techers’ implementation of changes in Danish VET

Henriette Skjærbæk Duch, Karen Egedal Andreasen

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    The Danish vocational colleges are challenged with implementing new laws, meet the political ambition due prevent a future lack of skilled workers and reduce costs. In addition, younger pupils attend the colleges because of new approaches to recruiting and the building of bridges from lower secondary education to colleges. Furthermore, colleges merge to balance the budget due to economic conditions. Such challenges are part of the context for a team at a social and healthcare college that is introduced to the idea of professional learning communities. The methodological approach is action research using observations and interviews. The results show how a team use reflective dialogue to meet some of the challenges, use differentiated teaching, and how a sub-team cooperate regarding rules in the classroom. It is discussed how the idea of professional learning communities supports the implementation of changes.
    TitelTrends in Vocational Education and Training Research, Vol. II. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET)
    RedaktørerStalder Barbara E., Nägele Christof
    Antal sider7
    ForlagCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Publikationsdato3 aug. 2019
    ISBN (Elektronisk)978-1690723233
    StatusUdgivet - 3 aug. 2019
    BegivenhedECER - Hamborg, Hamborg, Tyskland
    Varighed: 3 sep. 20197 sep. 2019




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