What does music therapy have to offer mentalization based treatment (MBT)? A mentalization-based view on music therapy clinical practice in psychiatry

Bidragets oversatte titel: Hvad kan musikterapio tilbyde mentaliseringsbnasert behandling: Et mentaliseringsbaseret syn på musikterapiens kliniske praksis i psykiatrien

Niels Jørgensen Hannibal, Melody Schwantes

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The mentalization based treatment (MBT) model may be a valuable theoretical perspective for music therapists to consider using with clients in need of mental health care, particularly those with borderline personality disorder. This article explores some of the basic principles of MBT and its application to music therapy. We have included a case study and reflections for further consideration. It is our hope that music therapists will begin to incorporate this model within their treatment and care of clients with psychiatric disorders.
Bidragets oversatte titelHvad kan musikterapio tilbyde mentaliseringsbnasert behandling: Et mentaliseringsbaseret syn på musikterapiens kliniske praksis i psykiatrien
TidsskriftVoices: a world forum for music therapy
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 1 jul. 2017


  • mentalization based treatment
  • borderline personality disorder
