Improving Creativity in Collaborative Process: A Knowledge Model based on Communities of Practice in Organizational Learning Contexts

Chunfang Zhou, Aparna Purushothaman

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


This paper aims to build a theoretical framework by a literature review that is focusing on how a learning model based on Communities of Practice (CoP) can be useful in collaborative processes in organizational learning contexts.
In the light of social approach to learning theories and knowledge management, this paper firstly will discuss: (1) learning as a process involving knowledge conversations between different types of knowledge such as tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge, individual knowledge and collective knowledge, and (2) creativity as a driver to the conversations between the different types of knowledge. (3) These points drive this paper to develop a knowledge creation model by discussing how CoP can be used to improve creativity in collaborative processes in organizational learning contexts. The point of departure for the learning model is the learning framework proposed by the theory of CoP. The learning framework provides a design dimension which can offer the organizational members scope for participation and engagement in the communities for facilitating learning as an identity change in the specific sociocultural context of the organization.
TitelResearch Papers on Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise
RedaktørerJames Ogunleye
Antal sider11
Forlag2015 KIE Conference Publications
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-85924-271-1
StatusUdgivet - 2015
BegivenhedInternational Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise - Istanbul, Tyrkiet
Varighed: 11 aug. 201515 aug. 2015


KonferenceInternational Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise
NavnKIE Conference Book Series


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