Improving Information Freshness in Edge-Assisted Smart Grids: An AoI-Aware Routing Strategy for Neighborhood Area Networks

Hossam Farag, Mostafa Kotb, Čedomir Stefanović, Mikael Gidlund

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


The integration of edge controllers into smart grid infrastructures facilitates advanced functionalities and high re-sponsiveness, thereby bolstering the overall efficiency of the energy grid. The freshness of the sensing information received at the edge controller, captured by the Age of Information (AoI) metric, is vital to maintain system stability, where outdated information may lead to incorrect responses to grid conditions, potentially causing inefficiencies or system disruptions. However, the timeliness of the transmitted updates is mainly compromised by the delay and congestion within the routing links in the Neighborhood Area Network (NAN). In this work, we develop an intelligent routing strategy to improve the AoI of the Routing Protocol for Low-power and lossy networks (RPL), which is the common routing protocol for smart grids. Our proposed method is based on an AoI-aware parent selection mechanism, by which a node becomes attached to the parent with the highest probability of delivering a packet within a predefined AoI threshold. The prediction is made based on a supervised machine learning model, trained using the collection of heterogeneous routing metrics. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated via extensive discrete-event simulations and the results show its potency to improve the peak AoI and the AoI violation probability compared to the standard RPL.
Titel2024 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
Antal sider7
ForlagIEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Publikationsdato20 aug. 2024
ISBN (Trykt)979-8-3315-2748-8
ISBN (Elektronisk)979-8-3315-2747-1
StatusUdgivet - 20 aug. 2024
Begivenhed2024 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) - Beijing, China
Varighed: 18 aug. 202420 aug. 2024


Konference2024 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
LokationBeijing, China
NavnI E E E International Conference on Industrial Informatics


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