Independent national experts network in the area of adult education/adult skills: Full Country Report – Denmark

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    In general, the Danish system of adult education and training must be characterised as well developed, offering versatile opportunities in a publicly regulated system of different but coordinated programmes, institutions, and funding schemes. There are still notable weaknesses and challenges, however, and some of them have become more marked in recent years. The system is segmented in different types and levels of education. This makes it difficult to respond to the demands of new technologies, more integrated work organisation and more individualised employment relations. Another weakness is that vocational and higher adult education has steadily been given higher policy priority, argued from the need for skills and competences in the labour market under the conditions of globalisation. There is a risk that this will undermine the conditions and quality of general and popular adult education, which also serve important functions in society.
    ForlagPublications Office of the European Union
    Antal sider45
    Rekvirerende organisationEuropean commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
    StatusUdgivet - jan. 2018


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