Kønsmæssige minoriteter i fag

Stine Brock Faber, Lotte Skadkær Mogensen

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    The Danish gender research has focused very on documenting the barriers to women at the labour market including the womans’ conditions in traditional male professions. An essential contribution to this research comes from the American sociologist Rosabeth Moss Kanter, who in "Men and Women of The Corporation" (1977) has concentrated on women, who seek to enter male dominated workplaces. Kanter argues that the barriers the women meet here are founded in their numerical minority position in the organizations and not in their gender. In this article Kanter’s theory is re-examined especially with focus on it’s declared universality, as we question that men and women experiences of beeing a minority in a profession traditionally associated with “the other gender” are alike. So, the article discusses the utility of the theory on men in minority positions; this during theories about genderes organizations, an american study among men in four diffrent female professions (1995) and a study among a number of male nurses in Denmark made by the authors of the article.
    TidsskriftTidsskriftet GRUS
    Udgave nummer68
    Sider (fra-til)6-23
    StatusUdgivet - 2003


    • arbejdsmarked
    • Sociologi
    • kønsforskning
