Keywords in musical free improvisation

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This article presents some keywords and concepts concerning free improvised music and its recent developments drawing from ongoing bibliographical research. A radical pluralism stems from musicians' backgrounds and the mixtures and fusions of styles and idioms resulting from these mixtures. Seemingly very different "performance-driven" and "play-driven" attitudes exist, even among musicians who share the practice of performing at concerts. New models of musical analysis aiming specifically at free improvised music provide strategical observations of interaction and structure.
TidsskriftMusic and Arts in Action
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)11-18
StatusUdgivet - 2016

Bibliografisk note

The two versions differ in a few details and in the layout only, but the author recommends the revised one.


  • improvisation (music)
  • free improvisation
  • music theory
  • music terminology
  • Musicology
  • Music analysis
  • musical analysis
  • Pluralism
