Learning to type with the tip of the tongue: a performance study for a tongue-computer interface

Hector Alejandro Caltenco, Shellie Boudreau, Romulus Lontis, Bo Bentsen, Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review

6 Citationer (Scopus)


This study is motivated by the need to know the characteristics of the learning processes in tongue-computer interaction and to obtain a useful insight to a better design of the tongue-computer interface for computer text input. Tongue-typing can be a good alternative to hand input methods for physically disabled individuals or tasks where hand-typing is not possible. In order to evaluate the process of typing with the tip of the tongue, eight volunteers participated in tip-of-tongue selectivity training experiments using an inductive tongue-computer interface. Performance data based on typing speed and accuracy fits a general learning model based on the power law of practice, which can be used to estimate further improvements of tongue-typing performance. Simulated expert typing rates predict a tongue-typing performance 8 times slower than normal QWERTY keyboard, but duplicate the performance of other alternative input interfaces. Our results encourage the use of a tongue-computer interface over other methods for physically disabled individuals.
TitelProceedings, Annual IEEE Student Paper Conference, AISPC 2008, 15 February 2008, Aalborg, Denmark
Antal sider5
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-4244-2156-5
StatusUdgivet - 2008
BegivenhedAnnual IEEE Student Paper Conference, AISPC - Aalborg, Danmark
Varighed: 15 feb. 2008 → …


KonferenceAnnual IEEE Student Paper Conference, AISPC
Periode15/02/2008 → …


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