Magtens kønnede ansigter

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


    The article identifies two main positions about the understanding of gendered power relations. One position has focused on men’s structural power over women, through concepts like gender system, patriarchy and ‘genussystem’. The other position has stressed women’s empowerment, that is their individual and collective abilities for making a difference through ’a voice and a vote’ and transform existing power relations and change politics. The article criticizes the dualist conception of power and develops a dynamic understanding that is able to analyse both transformative and reproductive aspects of power and thus is able to explain both continuity and changes in gendered power relations, This understanding is based upon the interaction between structures, institutions and the identities and activities of actors.
    TitelPå sporet af magten
    RedaktørerChristiansen, Peter Munk (red.) : Togeby, Lise (red.)
    ForlagAarhus Universitetsforlag
    ISBN (Trykt)8779340695
    StatusUdgivet - 2003


    • Kønsmagt
    • magtbegreber
    • demokrati
    • medborgerskab
    • identitet
    • politiske beslutninger
    • empowerment
