Mathematical Modelling and Parameter Identification of an Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Actuator for Vibration Control

Radoslav Darula, George Juraj Stein, Carsten Skovmose Kallesøe, Sergey Sorokin

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


Electromechanical systems for vibration control exhibit complex non-linear behaviour. Therefore advanced mathematical tools and appropriate simplifications are required for their modelling. To properly understand the dynamics of such a non-linear system, it is necessary to identify the parameters of the electromagnetic circuit in its various operational regimes. The parametric identification supplements mathematical derivations. The analyzed mechanical system is essentially a Single Degree-Of-Freedom (SDOF) oscillatory system augmented by magnetic force influence. The additional magnetic force is generated by an electromagnet with armature. The electromagnet is energized by a constant voltage source. The SDOF system is excited by a harmonic force causing vibration of the armature. Due to the reluctance variation of the air gap of the magnetic circuit alternating voltage is generated across the coil terminals. The electric circuit is closed with a shunt resistance connected to the electromagnet. The current induced in the circuit generates additional alternating magnetic force. This force counteracts the original vibration and damps it. In this way the coupled electro-magneto-mechanical system suppresses the forced vibration. The mechanical energy is converted into electric one and dissipated in the shunt resistance external to the oscillatory system. Hence, the described system can be used as vibration controller to reduce excessive vibration of large machines and/or structures in semi-active way.
TitelProceedings of ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
Antal sider9
ForlagAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers
Publikationsdatojan. 2012
ISBN (Trykt)978-0-7918-4485-4
StatusUdgivet - jan. 2012
BegivenhedASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis - Nantes International Convention Centre, Nantes, Frankrig
Varighed: 2 jul. 20124 jul. 2012


KonferenceASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
LokationNantes International Convention Centre
