Media and Multiplicity: Journalistic practices and the resurgence of xenophobia in Europe

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In the past few years continental Europe has experienced a resurgence of right-wing party politics, nationalism and xenophobia. In this nationalist revival the media and advanced communications technologies have played a significant role, as evidenced by the debates following cases such as the Danish cartoon controversy, and Dutch politician Geert Wilders’s film, Fitna. Simultaneously, however, the media is more diverse and rhizomatic than ever and offers potential for cosmopolitanism, transnational ethical relations as well as radical anti-racist and anti-fascist interventions. This article explores the tensions within the relation between journalistic practice and the construction of the
idea of the nation and the multiplicity of media and cultures which inhabit the spheres of journalism and nation.
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2010


  • Journalism
  • cartoon controversy
  • nationalism
  • transnationalism
  • new media
  • Fitna
  • freedom of expression
  • citizen journalism
  • cosmopolitanism
  • cultural citizenship
