Methods for Cross-Cultural Ethnography in the Study of Music Learning in China

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review


This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the daily lives of music students in China, utilising
activity theory and practice theory to explore their experiences both on and off campus. The
research was guided by the following research question: How can the findings from the daily life of
music students at a Chinese conservatory offer intercultural awareness to support the
internationalisation of distance education and improve the learning experience of future
synchronous online teaching? The empirical material is primarily based on a three-month field
work. Utilising a mixed-methods approach, including surveys, interviews, and auto-photography,
insights were gained into the students’ academic routines, social interactions, and cultural practices.
The study emphasises considering local contexts when implementing synchronous online teaching.
Themes and findings were analysed considering the interaction and the potentials of expansive
learning between three activity systems: the local student, the local teachers, and a foreign host
organisation offering online synchronous teaching. The study recommends explicitly addressing
intercultural awareness to support foreign host organisations in better comprehending students’
priorities and the fatigue resulting from their busy schedules and limited preparation time. These
findings contribute to the broader discourse on student mobility, intercultural awareness, and the
internationalisation of Higher Education.
StatusUdgivet - 2024
BegivenhedThe 36th World Conference for the International Society for Music Education ISME 2024: Advocacy for Sustainability in Music - Uniarts Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Varighed: 29 jul. 20242 aug. 2024


KonferenceThe 36th World Conference for the International Society for Music Education ISME 2024
LokationUniarts Helsinki


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