Enabling supply chain analytics for enterprise information systems: a topic modelling literature review and future research agenda

Bidragets oversatte titel: Muliggøre Supply Chain Analytics for enterprise information systems: En topic model literatur redegørelse og forslag til fremtidig forskning

Claus Boye Asmussen, Charles Møller

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReview (oversigtsartikel)peer review

30 Citationer (Scopus)


This paper provides a literature review of the research within the
framework of 1) analytics,2) supply chain management, and 3)
enterprise information systems, and relate the findings to competitive enablers. The findings are used to construct a future research
agenda. The methodology is a systematic two-stage approach,
based on a Smart Literature review framework using topic modelling. The research agenda proposes future research within the
themes of 1) context, 2) cross-functional analytics, 3) cross-planning
level analytics, 4) implementation and assimilation of analytics in
EIS, 5) analytics and big data for SCM, 6) managerial aspects of
analytics, and 7) data and system heterogeneity.
Bidragets oversatte titelMuliggøre Supply Chain Analytics for enterprise information systems: En topic model literatur redegørelse og forslag til fremtidig forskning
TidsskriftEnterprise Information Systems
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)563-610
Antal sider48
StatusUdgivet - 20 mar. 2020


  • Supply chain analytics, topic modelling, literature review, scm, research agenda
