Munk som boganmelder: Det kreative menneskes afhængighed af inspiration

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In 1936 Kaj Munk was asked to work as a book reviewer for the danish newspaper Nationaltidende. There were some problems concerning the cooperration, because Munk had difficulties when it came to given tasks. He prefered only to write about books, he himself chose. Several times he wrote articles without having confirmed it beforehand with the chief editor Aage Schoch, who sometimes had already asked someone else to write about a certain book. The topics that interested Munk was; The jews in Palestine, The Reformation and The Catholic Church, Inner Misson and the work of a reviewer. After a year Munk stopped his work, because he found it too hard. He continuede to write for the newspaper, but mostly in other genres, and not so often.
Udgave nummer71
Sider (fra-til)34-45
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - maj 2022


  • Kaj Munk
  • Boganmeldelser
  • kunstnere
  • kunstneriske processer
  • 2. verdenskrig, besættelsestiden, samarbejdspolitikken, modstandsbevægelsen, nazisme
