Nordic eHealth Indicators: Organisation of research, first results and the plan for the future

Hannele Hyppönen, Arild Faxvaag, Heidi Gilstad, Gudrun Audur Hardardottir, Lars Jerlvall, Maarit Kangas, Sabine Koch, Christian Nøhr, Thomas Pehrsson, Jarmo Reponen, Åke Walldius, Vivian Vimarlund

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review

16 Citationer (Scopus)
1051 Downloads (Pure)


This report describes first results of the Network: eHealth policy analysis and first common Nordic eHealth indicators. The results show similarities and also some differences in the eHealth policies, priorities and implementation. Interesting similarities and differences in availability and use of eHealth services in the Nordic countries were found with the first comparable eHealth indicators.

The results create a basis for Evidence-based policy making as well as benchmarking and learning best practices from each other.
ForlagNordic Council of Ministers
Antal sider119
ISBN (Trykt)978-92-893-2526-4
StatusUdgivet - 2013
