Organization of rights and responsibilities in complex 3D real property developments: The relevance of bridging research fields

Morten Dalum Madsen*, Jesper Mayntz Paasch, Esben Munk Sørensen


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The condominium concept is one form of 3D property that is used in many countries around the world to organize and register 3D real property situations. Condominium property was mainly introduced in various jurisdictions to facilitate homeownership by converting residential apartment units in high-rise buildings into real property. Thus, the legal and organizational aspects of condominiums have been widely discussed in research literature but mostly outside the 3D property research domain. Publications within the 3D property research domain regarding legal and organizational aspects have been relative few in number. We propose the more traditional condominium literature to partly answer the call for more research on legal and organizational aspects within the 3D property research domain. It could provide a broader spectrum of research experiences to be incorporated into the ongoing debate within the 3D property research domain.
TitelProceedings 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres
RedaktørerEftychia Kalogianni, Alias Abdul Rahman, Peter van Oosterom
ForlagInternational Federation of Surveyors
Publikationsdato13 okt. 2021
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-92853-48-6
StatusUdgivet - 13 okt. 2021
Begivenhed7th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop - New York (online), New York, USA
Varighed: 11 okt. 202113 okt. 2021


Konference7th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop
LokationNew York (online)
ByNew York


  • 3D property right
  • condominium
  • organization
  • mixed-use development


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