Partnering in the Construction Industry: A Critical Analysis of Research Trends

Kristian Ditlev Bohnstedt, Erik Bejder, Kim Haugbølle

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Huge efforts have been made in order to stimulate thorough improvements in the construction industry in terms of value for money, feasibility and consistency when facilitating a partnering approach. Despite this attention there is limited documentation on the development of research trends, thus gaps in existing body of knowledge. The objective of this literature-based paper is to explore the current literature by systematically reviewing and summarizing research trends in leading top-tier construction management journals between 2002 and 2012, addressing how the themes in partnering related publications change across this period. It is concluded that trends such as research on developing trust among construction partners to facilitate project success, feasibility of and the barriers to adopting a partnering approach and strategic propositions for overcoming barriers are highly emerging. Finally, it is suggested to monitor research trends to obtain insights into partnering issues whereby relevant contribution to research gaps can be made.
TitelIPGRC 2013
Antal sider13
UdgivelsesstedManchester, UK
ForlagThe University of Salford School of the Built Environment
Publikationsdato6 apr. 2013
StatusUdgivet - 6 apr. 2013
Begivenhed11th International!Postgraduate!Research!Conference (IPGRC13) - Manchester, Storbritannien
Varighed: 8 apr. 201310 apr. 2013


Konference11th International!Postgraduate!Research!Conference (IPGRC13)
