Practical problems in building parametric loudspeakers with ultrasonic piezoelectric emitters

José Cadavid, Antonin Novak*


Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper uden forlag/tidsskriftForskningpeer review


In this paper, we deal with some practical issues that one can encounter when building a parametric loudspeaker with ultrasonic piezoelectric emitters. We measured several of those transducers (with resonance frequency 40 kHz) available on the market, observing a strong nonlinear behavior of many of them. We also tested a hundred of piezoelectric emitters of the same series and studied the influence of the standard deviation of the resonance frequency and the sensitivity on the performance of the parametric loudspeaker. We conclude that, when constructing a parametric loudspeaker with low-cost piezoelectric emitters, the individual behavior of each of them should be considered. This allows to minimize the effect of their differences and thus, improve the quality of the sound generated.

Publikationsdato21 mar. 2019
StatusUdgivet - 21 mar. 2019
Udgivet eksterntJa
Begivenhed146th Audio Engineering Society International Convention: Excite Your Ears, AES 2019 - Dublin, Irland
Varighed: 20 mar. 201923 mar. 2019


Konference146th Audio Engineering Society International Convention: Excite Your Ears, AES 2019
SponsorAllen and Heath, Amoenus Audio GmbH, Audio Engineering Society (AES), Audio Precision, Inc, Big Bear Sound Ltd., et al.

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 The Audio Engineering Society (AES). All rights reserved.


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