Recurrent problems and recent experiments in transcribing video: Live transcribing in data sessions and depicting perspective

Eric Laurier, Tobias Boelt Back

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


In launching CA's peculiar orthography, Gail Jefferson warranted its departures from existing conventions for transcribing speech, by, firstly, the available and accountable details of the tape recorder and, secondly, attending to phenomena that the analyst becomes interested in. In developing her form of transcribing, she registered details of talk usually ignored by social scientists as irrelevant. Building on Jefferson's warrants, we reflect on the peculiar orthographies emerging from our own attempts to attend to visible and accountable details of embodied action similarly overlooked by the social sciences. We have used and departed from the representational conventions of comic strips in registering observable and reportable features of video recorded events. Producing graphic transcripts from multiple cameras and 360 cameras led to us to becoming increasingly interested in perspective as a members' and analysts' topic and resource. In this chapter, we introduce two elements of the craft of transcribing. The first and novel element is the making of graphic transcripts during data sessions as part of analysts’ sharing their noticings. The second is a reflection around the phenomenon of perspective and how to create transcripts that are derived from cameras' perspectives, while also attending to members' use of and awareness of perspective.
TitelEthnomethodological Conversation Analysis in Motion : Emerging Methods and New Technologies
Antal sider20
ISBN (Trykt)9781032544410
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781003424888
StatusUdgivet - 2023


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