Report of Case Studies on Gender Equality as a Focus Point of National and Nativist Discourses

Birte Siim, Andrea Krizsán, Dominika Gruziel, Anita Nissen

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


    Reframing Citizenship and Gender Justice – transnational and intersectional perspectivesMarshall’s classical formulation of citizenship was associated with equal rights and duties of citizens within the nation state (Marshall 1950). It was at the same time based upon inequality within the category citizen, i.e. based on gender and ethnicity, as well between citizens and non-citizens. During the last 20 years processes of globalization, European integration and immigration have increased inequalities within the nation state as well as inequalities between nationals for example between European citizens and third country nationals. These developments have contributed to challenge the classical understanding and have inspired scholarly debates about reframing of the classical model. The notion of citizenship is contextual depending on national histories and the particularity of places and spaces. This presentation will explore the theoretical and normative problems and potentials to reframe the concept of citizenship to include visions of gender equality and gender justice within and beyond the nation states (Siim 2013). One crucial issue is how to expand the understanding of citizenship to include cultural diversity within the nation state. Scholars have proposed a multicultural citizenship (Kymlicka 1995), which recognizes the diversity and accommodate the cultural difference of minority groups within the nation states. Another crucial issue is how to expand citizenship to the transnational/global level. Scholars have proposed a notion of rooted cosmopolitan citizenship (Benhabib 2006) beyond the national state. The recent political and economic crisis has inspired debates about gender equality and gender justice within and beyond the nation state. Feminist scholarship has started to explore intersections of gender, class and diversity at local, national and transnational levels (Lombardo, Meier & Verloo 2009; Siim & Mokre 2013) and to reframe theoretical approaches to citizenship from intersectional and transnational perspectives (Yuval-Davis 2011; Fraser 2013). References:Benhabib, S. (2006). Another Cosmopolitanism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Fraser, N. (2013). Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis, London: VersoKymlicka, Will (1995). Multicultural Citizenship. A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press.Lombardo, E., P. Meier & M. Verloo (eds.) (2009). The Discursive Politics of Gender Equality, London: Routledge.Marshall, T.H. (1950). Citizenship and Social Class and other essays, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Siim, B. (2013). “Citizenship”, essay 30. In: K. Celis, V. Waylen (eds.). Handbook on Gender and Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.Siim, B. & M. Mokre (eds.) (2013) Negotiation Gender and Diversity in an Emergent European Public Sphere, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Yuval-Davis, N. (2011). The Politics of Belonging: Intersectional Contestations, London: Sage Publications.
    ForlagbEUcitizen: barrier towards EU citizens
    Antal sider84
    StatusUdgivet - 16 jun. 2016
    BegivenhedbEUcitizen Oviedo Conference - Calle San Francisco 1, Oviedo, Spanien
    Varighed: 29 jun. 20161 jul. 2016
    NavnPublication Archive
    NummerDeliverable 9.7
    Vol/bindWork package 9


    KonferencebEUcitizen Oviedo Conference
    LokationCalle San Francisco 1


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