Requalificação e gentrificação no centro histórico do Porto

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    This presentation seeks to test the theoretical hypothesis of gentrification for the case of the historic centre of Porto. The analysis falls within the scope of analysis of the transformation of social and housing conditions of this historic urban area, and dwells upon the relationship between housing redevelopment and gentrification processes. The hypothesis of replacement of low-income families by an upper-middle class is tested through a methodology combining qualitative analysis (semi-structured in-depth interviews with residents and ex-residents and officials who were directly involved in interventions that targeted this area) with quantitative analysis of statistical data.
    Bidragets oversatte titelRenovation and gentrification in the historic centre of Porto
    Publikationsdato28 apr. 2016
    StatusUdgivet - 28 apr. 2016
    BegivenhedAula Aberta de Desenvolvimento Regional, Mestrado de Geografia Universidade do Minho -
    Varighed: 28 apr. 2016 → …


    KonferenceAula Aberta de Desenvolvimento Regional, Mestrado de Geografia Universidade do Minho
    Periode28/04/2016 → …


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