Results obtained in WP1

Henrik Klinge Jacobsen (Redaktør), Kim B. Wittchen

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This report concludes the work in the SAVE-E project supported by the Innovation Fund Grant No 4106- 00009B. The project consists of six scientific workpackages that cover a wide range of topics associated with energy savings. The results obtained in workpackages are synthesised for each WP separately followed by a chapter with general recommendations from the project. The 14 project partners has been cooperating several partners in each workpackage and across the
workpackages as reflected in the joint scientific publications and other publications as well as workshops conducted throughout the project.
TitelSAVE-E: Closing the energy efficiency gap : Final project findings and recommendations
RedaktørerHenrik Klinge Jacobsen
Antal sider4
ForlagDTU Management
Publikationsdatonov. 2019
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2019
