Risk-Based Operation and Maintenance Planning for Offshore Wind Turbines

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Operation and maintenance (O&M) are large contributors to the cost of energy for offshore wind turbines. Optimal planning of O&M should include use of inspections and monitoring results to make decisions that minimize the expected costs through the lifetime of the structures. For offshore structures it is especially important because of the dependence on weather windows for inspections and repairs to be possible. A model has been developed to estimate the expected costs to corrective and condition based maintenance for a wind turbine with a single component. The deterioration of the component is simulated, and the expected costs are found for different strategies. An application example shows that condition based maintenance has the potential of reducing the costs, and a risk based approach can be used to find the optimal strategy for O&M. Further the influence of failure rate and damage parameters are evaluated.
TitelReliability and Optimization of Structural Systems : proceedings of reliability and optimization of structural systems, Tum, München, Germany, 7-10 april 2010
RedaktørerD. Straub
Antal sider8
ForlagCRC Press
ISBN (Trykt)9780415881791
ISBN (Elektronisk)9780203841419
StatusUdgivet - 2010
BegivenhedIFIP WG 7.5 Working Conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems - Tum, München, Tyskland
Varighed: 7 apr. 201010 apr. 2010


KonferenceIFIP WG 7.5 Working Conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems
ByTum, München

Bibliografisk note

The proceedings is published as hardback and e-Book.


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