Robust Hinf control of uncertain switched systems defined on polyhedral sets with Filippov solutions

Mohamadreza Ahmadi , Hamed Mojallali, Rafal Wisniewski

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This paper considers the control problem of a class of uncertain switched systems defined on polyhedral sets known as piecewise linear systems where, instead of the conventional Carathe ́odory solutions, Filippov solutions are studied. In other words, in contrast to the previous studies, solutions with infinite switching in finite time along the facets and on faces of arbitrary dimensions are also taken into account. Firstly, established upon previous studies, a set of linear matrix inequalities are brought forward which determines the asymptotic stability of piecewise linear systems with Filippov solutions. Subsequently, bilinear matrix inequality conditions for synthesizing a robust controller with a guaranteed Hinf performance are presented. Furthermore, these results has been generalized to the case of piecewise affine systems. Finally, a V–K iteration algorithm is proposed to deal with the aforementioned bilinear matrix inequalities. The validity of the proposed method is verified through the analysis of two simulation examples.
TidsskriftISA Transactions
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)722–731
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2012
