Rollen- und Kompetenzprofile für hochschuldidaktisch Tätige: Erarbeitet von der Arbeitsgruppe Weiterbildung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik

Tobina Brinker (Redaktør), Sabine Brendel (Redaktør), Dorothea Ellinger (Redaktør), Julia Gerber (Redaktør), Knut Hannemann (Redaktør), Robert Kordts-Freudinger (Redaktør), Sylvia Lepp (Redaktør), Claudia Neumann (Redaktør), Sylvia Ruschin (Redaktør), Birgit Stubner (Redaktør), Antonia Scholkmann (Redaktør), Eva-Maria Schumacher (Redaktør), Doris Ternes (Redaktør), Bernd Teufel (Redaktør), Anke Timmann (Redaktør), Stefan Vörtler (Redaktør), Volker Voigt (Redaktør), Claudia Walter (Redaktør), Johannes Wildt (Redaktør), Tamara Zajontz (Redaktør)Arbeitsgruppe Weiterbildung (AGWB) in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik (dghd)

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


    The following collection of roles and competencies of Academic Developers is the result of the work of the Arbeitsgruppe Weiterbildung (AGWB) (engl. Working Group on Professional Development) within the German Association of Academic Development since the AGWB's foundation in 2015. It is based on an extensive process, in which both the expertise of the group's members and the expertise of the wider educational development community were integrated. The competences presented in the report serve as stand-alone contribution for the systematisation and professionalisation of academic and educational development work in Germany. Also, they are considered a basis for recommendation of professional development measure in the field.
    Bidragets oversatte titelProfessional Roles and Competencies of Academic Developers: An initiative by the Working Group on Professional Development within the German Association for Academic Development
    ForlagGerman Association for Academic Development (dghd)
    Antal sider49
    StatusUdgivet - 2018


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