Sensitivity analysis of the energy demand of existing buildings based on the Danish Building and Dwelling Register (BBR)

Anker Nielsen, Kim Bjarne Wittchen, Niels Haldor Bertelsen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingForskningpeer review


The EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings requires that energy certification of buildings should be implemented in Denmark so that houses that are sold or let should have an energy performance certificate. The result is that only a small part of existing houses has an energy performance certificate. The Danish Building Research Institute has described a method that can be applied for estimating the energy demand of dwellings. This is based on the information in the Danish Building and Dwelling Register and requirements in the Danish Building Regulations from the year of construction of the house. The result is an estimate of the energy demand of each building with a variation. This makes it possible to make an automatic classification of all buildings. The paper discusses the uncertainties and makes a sensitivity analysis to find the important parameters. The variations are compared with measured energy demand. The method can be applied in other countries with modifications for local building requirements, climate and building registers.
TitelNSB 2014: 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics 15-19 June 2014 Lund, Sweden : Abstract book
RedaktørerJesper Arfvidsson, Lars-Erik Harderup, Anders Kumlin, Bitte Rosencrantz
Antal sider1
UdgivelsesstedLund, Sweden
ForlagLunds Tekniska Högskola, LTH. Institutionen för Byggnadsteknik
KapitelBuilding Envelope Systems
ISBN (Trykt)978-91-88722-51-5
StatusUdgivet - 2014
Begivenhed10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics - Lund , Sverige
Varighed: 15 jun. 201419 jun. 2014
Konferencens nummer: 10


Konference10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics


  • Energibesparelse
  • renovering
  • beregningsmetode


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