Simplifications of a damping model for wave propagation in porous media

Radoslav Darula, Sergey V. Sorokin

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


The wave propagation through porous materials is in general modelled with a classical Biot’s approach. A drawback of this way of modeling is, that it is empirical and very specific experiments are necessary to determine the parameters required. Therefore we do present an alternative approach based on a fluid-structure interaction, using the analytical expressions for solid as well as viscous fluid. The damping is localized in the fluid (taking into account its viscosity), while the solid part is considered to be with no internal losses. From the dispersion diagrams and phase velocities the modes of wave propagation are identified and the damping is assessed, where only the attenuation of the fluid originated waves was analyzed.
TitelProceedings of the 10th International Symposium M-A-P 2015
RedaktørerM. Culik, A. Danihelova
Antal sider4
ISBN (Trykt)978-80-228-2759-1
StatusUdgivet - 2015
Begivenhedthe 10th International Symposium M-A-P 2015 - Zvolen, Slovakiet
Varighed: 23 sep. 201525 sep. 2015


Konferencethe 10th International Symposium M-A-P 2015


  • damping
  • porous
  • Biot
  • fluid-structure
  • analytical
