Socioeconomic Impact of Lymphoma with Focus on Fertility and Mental Health Using Danish Nationwide Registers

Publikation: Ph.d.-afhandling

161 Downloads (Pure)
  • El-Galaly, Tarec Christoffer, Hovedvejleder
  • Severinsen, Marianne Tang, Bivejleder
  • Jakobsen, Lasse Hjort Kyneb, Bivejleder
  • Kragholm, Kristian Hay, Bivejleder
  • Bøgsted, Martin, Bivejleder
ISBN'er, elektronisk978-87-7573-992-9
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

PhD supervisor:
Professor Tarec C. El-Galaly, MD, DMSc, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University and Department of Hematology, Aalborg University Hospital

Assistant PhD supervisors:
Professor Marianne T. Severinsen, MD, PhD, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University and Department of Hematology, Aalborg University Hospital

Associate Prof. Lasse H. Jakobsen, PhD, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University and Department of Hematology, Aalborg University Hospital

Associate Prof. Kristian H. Kragholm, MD, PhD, Department of Cardiology, Aalborg University Hospital

Professor Martin Bøgsted, PhD, Department of Clinical Medicine. Aalborg University and Department of Hematology, Aalborg University Hospital
