Sound is Multi-Dimensional: Parameter analysis as a tool for creative music making

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First part of this work examines the concept of musical parameter theory and discusses its methodical use. Second part is an annotated catalogue of 33 different students' compositions, presented in their totality with English translations, created between 1985 and 2006 as part of the subject Intuitive Music at Music Therapy, AAU. 20 of these have sound files as well. The work thus serves as an anthology of this form of composition. All the compositions are systematically presented according to parameters: pitch, duration, dynamics, timbre, density, pulse-no pulse, tempo, stylistic recognizability, tonal-atonal and degrees of contrast. Each of these parameters is discussed with regard to their definition, history and the compositions cited, and examples from concert repertory and recommended exercises are mentioned. In addition, a free improvisation is analyzed, and there is an examination of how programmatic ideas have been illustrated in the parameters.

Antal sider137
StatusUdgivet - 2006


  • Parameter (music)
  • music analysis
  • musical analysis
  • open composition
