Staging negotiation spaces as a means for co-designing an insulin service system in India

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1 Citationer (Scopus)


This chapter seeks to investigate potential navigational moves of designers through a specific case study of making insulin available to people at the BoP in India and views staging as a central aspect in negotiating concerns in collaborative design projects in general. Staging is the act of building network relations by orchestrating spaces for negotiation (Pedersen 2020) and refers to a process of (a) framing an envisaged performance in a scenic space based on an interpretation of the initial ‘design brief’ of a project; and (b) producing props that inscribe this framing into potential intermediary objects that mediates between actors and allow for discussions and negotiations of controversies. Further navigational moves include (c) circulating these objects amongst diverse actors to facilitate negotiations; and (d) reframing the design brief to stage yet another performance with new actors and props.
TitelStaging Collaborative Design and Innovation : An Action-Oriented Participatory Approach
RedaktørerChristian Clausen, Dominique Vinck, Signe Pedersen, Jens Dorland
Antal sider17
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
Publikationsdatodec. 2020
ISBN (Trykt)978 1 83910 342 1
ISBN (Elektronisk)978 1 83910 343 8
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2020


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