State of art and design trends for innovative sorting and collection methods of household waste

David Andreas Mana-Ay Christensen, Lina Katan, Adam Cenian

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingForskningpeer review


1. Introduction
In the paper a desk study is presented with six selected cases on state of the art technology and design trends for innovative sorting and collection methods for household waste including food waste, which are in agreement with EU directives.

2. Collection methods
The cases are selected and described in collaboration with the Danish Waste Association. They represent five special challenges relevant for the living labs of the South Baltic Region “WasteMan” project. The study includes examples on collection methods for multiple fractions in old downtown areas – see Fig. 1, and old villages with lack of space for collection bins, as well as innovative suction systems and approaches for using shared recycling facilities to create awareness and changing user habits [1,2]. The study is also focusing on the food waste system, i.e. the loop from households through pulp technologies to prepare food waste to biogas treatment and how to ensure the residuals from the biogas plant can be used as a soil improver/fertilizer.

3. Conclusions
The overall conclusion was that there is no all-encompassing solution for sorting in medieval towns. The best solution must therefore be a combination of systems, decided upon with involvement of the users.
TitelThe 6th International Environmental Best Practices Conference "Sustainability schemes for bio-based products in the framework of the circular bioeconomy" : Book of Abstracts
ForlagWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-83-8100-194-6
StatusUdgivet - 2019
Begivenhed6th International Environmental Best Practices Conference - Olsztyn, Polen
Varighed: 22 sep. 201926 sep. 2019


Konference6th International Environmental Best Practices Conference
